Your tribute gift can be a beacon of hope for those affected by domestic violence. Together, we can offer support, safety, and healing. Every tribute gift counts in our mission to end domestic violence. Please join us in showing solidarity and offering a lifeline to those in need.

Your gift will celebrate the strength of survivors and your generosity provides resources and assistance. Tribute gifts are a voice against domestic violence, help raise awareness, and offer vital support to survivors.

Thank you.

Make a Tribute Gift


DVRC provides a comprehensive range of services for victims of domestic violence and their children, including a confidential Safe Home, Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing units, a Helpline & Drop-In Center, Support Groups, One-on-One Counseling and Court Advocacy.

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How To Help

Volunteers are an integral part of our team, and help in a variety of ways through time, talent or treasure. Opportunities include work within our Drop-In Center, hosting an event, or making a gift, which directly impacts the clients we serve.

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All of our services – residential, counseling, court advocacy – are provided free of charge to all of our clients regardless of their financial situation. Your gift allows us to continue this life-saving work by directly assisting clients and their children who are experiencing domestic violence.

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Support Groups

All groups meet virtually at this time.

For additional questions and/or to sign up, call 401.782.3995